AN GLOBAL LEGO CAMPAIGN that positioned play as the superest DUPEREST superpower of them all




The LEGO Group came to Droga5 in early  2023 and asked us to help crack their post pandemic global brief. For the first time they wanted one big umbrella idea to go across the 3 chapters of their year; Fall, World Play Day and Holiday.

Statistics told us that kids only spend 2% of their week playing yet LEGO knew how vitally important play was for kids development emotionally and physically. So we set about finding a way to reframe play and get LEGO back on kids’ Christmas wish list.




Play is not just play.

Play is a superpower. It can transform the ordinary into the extraordinary, and LEGO are uniquely positioned to demonstrate this.

We took this idea and created a three phase, 3 month, global connected eco system. We designed 6 totally unique LEGO mini-fig characters who then became the heroes of our launch film, an epic 5 minute film staring Groot, Jane Lynch and a LEGO cat, that saw 6 super kids bring play to a dull, templated workplace.


And we didnt stop there, we made our film about play actually playable, by hiding a number of clues across our film. We then brought the superkids unique superpowers to the holidays, with an epic snowfight staring a Olaf, a Yoda lady and a giant LEGO dragon. And finally, each super kid, designed to reflect real kids passions, had their very own passion films.